Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Broomball last night was fun! Although I'm feeling the soreness today. :P


  1. I like the lights in this shot...although I'm confused about broomball. It's on a hockey rink, right? Does it involve hitting each other with sticks? Why are you sore?

  2. Haha well your not supposed to hit people with sticks,I suppose its optional though. Broomball is like hockey except you use boots, instead of ice skates, the sticks are more shaped like brooms, and the ball is small and round. Our friends made there horse arena into an ice rink, and got broomball sticks, so we went over there last night! I'm sore because half of playing broomball is falling over on the ice. Also because of the three hours straight of physical activity. :D It was way fun though.
